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Commercial Guidance

The Ultimate Commercial Resource

1) Let’s Get Started!

Be fully prepared to buy. Have a REALTOR® on your team. If you’re buying, selling or leasing commercial real estate, a commercial REALTOR® can make it easier.

Commercial Real Estate

In today’s competitive commercial real estate market, a commercial real estate expert is the partner you need to make sure you get the best deal possible. With our expertise and knowledge of local markets it’s our job to get you maximum value – while minimizing headaches.

Your local REALTOR® will help you find a commercial property that meets your needs perfectly. Get started here by searching for a commercial REALTOR® who can help you whether you are buying, selling or leasing commercial real estate.

 Tip: REALTORS® that are affiliates of the Canadian Commercial Network will have the commercial logo in their profile. These REALTORS® meet national criteria to be recognized as Commercial REALTORS®.

2) Information for Buyers

Before you start looking to buy a commercial property, you should look for a commercial REALTOR® to help make the process easier. Of all the time-saving elements that commercial REALTORS® provide for clients like you, understanding and deciphering the paperwork involved in transactions like the purchase of your new property is usually at the top of the list.

In effect, with a commercial REALTOR® you get a business partner whose main goal is to help you find the right space for you, at the best possible price.

Your Commercial Realtor® Profile

The commercial REALTOR® you need will have knowledge and expertise in locating the right property for you. Working on your behalf, they will advise, recommend, caution, and counsel you at all the major steps in helping your business succeed in a new location.

Your commercial REALTOR® may have one or more of the following designations:

  • AACI – Accredited Appraiser Canadian Institute
  • ALC – Accredited Land Consultant
  • CCIM – Certified Commercial Investment Member
  • CRE – Counselor of Real Estate
  • SIOR – Specialist, Industrial and Office Real Estate

Buyer Representation

A commercial REALTOR® offers expertise and market knowledge when representing buyers. They can identify locations and negotiate on your behalf, in the process saving you time and money.

Your commercial REALTOR® can help you at each stage of the process from finding your commercial space to finalizing the transaction. Some key steps are outlined below to help you as you start working with your commercial REALTOR®.

1. Property Search

  • Consider location:
    You may want to consider locations that are close to your customers, your home, workers, vendors or suppliers.
  • Consider the investment:
    Understanding market value will help you know when and where to buy your commercial property.
  • Find a space that suits your business needs:
    Consider the square footage, facilities, growth potential, street visibility, parking, security and so on.
  • Building condition:
    During initial viewings make note of any visible damage or wear and be sure to follow up with a professional inspection.

2. Zoning & Fees

  • Zoning:
    Check with your municipal affairs office or municipal planning department for zoning regulations and land use. Find out how to apply for a zoning bylaw amendment if needed.
  • Insurance:
    Look into insurance coverage required for your new business space.
  • Taxes:
    Take into account any provincial and municipal taxes as part of your overall cost.

3. Closing the Sale

  • Consult a legal professional:
    A real estate lawyer will do a title search, review the mortgage agreement and finalize all paperwork.
  • Renovations and repairs: 
    Consider renovation costs to modify a building for your business needs and negotiate the cost of repairs in the sale.
  • Making an offer:
    When you’re ready, your commercial REALTOR® will help you negotiate and draft an offer. Be prepared for a multiple offer situation.

3) Information for Sellers

The selling process generally begins with determining a reasonable asking price. A commercial REALTOR® can give you up-to-date information on what is happening in the marketplace which is a key factor in getting your property sold at the best price, quickly and with minimum hassle.

From there, a commercial REALTOR® can help you with marketing, negotiating and finally, closing. In effect, they’re your business partner whose main goal is to help you get the best possible price for your commercial property.

Your Commercial Realtor® Profile

The commercial REALTOR® you need will have knowledge and expertise in the marketplace, including he price, financing, terms and condition of competing properties. Working on your behalf, they will advise, recommend, caution, and counsel you at all the major steps in the selling process.

Your commercial REALTOR® may have one or more of the following designations:

  • AACI – Accredited Appraiser Canadian Institute
  • ALC – Accredited Land Consultant
  • CCIM – Certified Commercial Investment Member
  • CRE – Counselor of Real Estate
  • SIOR – Specialist, Industrial and Office Real Estate

Seller Representation

Real estate transactions are some of the biggest financial agreements most people experience in their lifetime. Considering the small upside cost and the large downside risk, selling your commercial property without the guidance and expertise of a commercial REATOR® is a gamble your business probably can’t afford to take.

Your commercial REALTOR® can help you at each stage of the process from listing your space to finalizing the transaction. Some key steps are outlined below to help you as you start working with your commercial REALTOR®.

1. Listing your Property

  • Set a price:
    Understand the market value of your commercial property.
  • Make necessary repairs:
    Get your property market ready by painting, cleaning, making repairs and landscaping if necessary.
  • Market your property:
    Your commercial REALTOR® will post professional commercial listing and signage when you’re ready to put your property on the market and coordinate showings with prospective buyers.

2. Negotiating Offers

  • Consult a legal professional:
    A real estate lawyer will review utility and property tax adjustments, and consult on mortgage prepayment or discharge fees and more.
  • Review the terms:
    Each offer will come with certain terms, most of which you can negotiate through your commercial REALTOR®. Consider what inclusions and exclusions will be a part of the negotiation of the sale.
  • Negotiating and counter offers:
    You may have multiple offers from different buyers to entertain.

3. Closing the Sale

  • Accepting an offer:
    This will be contingent on the buyers credit, approval of mortgage, terms agreement and confirmation of down payment.
  • Pay closing costs:
    Be prepared for investment expenses such as capital gains taxes and other closing costs. Your lawyer will finalize all paperwork related to closing.

4) Information for Leasers

Most landlords and building owners have professional representation looking out for their best interests. When it comes to leasing a commercial property for your business, shouldn’t you have the same?

A commercial REALTOR® has the experience and market knowledge to find the right space that will fit your plans and financial requirements. In effect, giving you a partner whose main goal is to help you find the right space for you and your business, at the best possible price.

Your Commercial Realtor® Profile

The commercial REALTOR® you need will have knowledge and expertise in locating the right property for your business. Working on your behalf, they will advise, recommend, caution, and counsel you at all the major steps in helping your business succeed in a new location.

Your commercial REALTOR® may have one or more of the following designations:

  • CLO – Certified Leasing Officer
  • CLS – Certified Leasing Specialist
  • CPM – Certified Property Manager
  • CCIM – Certified Commercial Investment Member
  • CSM – Certified Shopping Centre Manager
  • SIOR – Specialist, Industrial and Office Real Estate

Tenant Representation

A commercial REALTOR® knows the leasing opportunities available in the marketplace for you and your business. They’ll work with you to determine the exact requirements and needs for your new property, and then represent you in the marketplace to get you the best possible deal.

Your commercial REALTOR® can help you at each stage of the process from finding your commercial space to finalizing the transaction. Some key steps are outlined below to help you as you start working with your commercial REALTOR®.

1. Property Search


  • Consider location:
    You may want to consider locations that are close to your customers, your home, workers, vendors or suppliers.
  • Find a space that suits your business needs:
    Consider the square footage, facilities, growth potential, street visibility, parking, security and so on.
  • Building condition:
    During initial viewings make note of any visible damage or wear and you may want to follow up with a professional inspection.

2. Zoning & Fees

  • Zoning:
    Check with your municipal affairs office or municipal planning department for zoning regulations and land use.
  • Expansion or subletting:
    Check with the landlord to determine whether expansion if your business grows or subletting if you have extra space is permitted.
  • Leasing fees:
    Commercial lease rates are usually based on the size of the space or the square footage. Your landlord may add operating costs to this base lease rate.
  • Insurance:
    Determine what is covered by your landlord’s insurance and what your business is liable for.
  • Taxes:
    Verify which parties are responsible for property taxes or any municipal taxes.

3. Lease Agreement

  • Consult a legal professional:
    Ensure your lawyer reviews your lease agreement before signing.
  • Repairs and utilities:
    Review your lease agreement to determine which repairs are covered.
  • Terms:
    Determine the length of the lease and the penalty for terminating the lease if required.
  • Making an offer:
    When you’re ready, your commercial REALTOR® will help you negotiate and draft an offer.

Information obtained from Realtor.ca, “Commercial Resources” https://www.realtor.ca/commercial-resources#4

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14-3600 Langstaff Road
Vaughan, Ontario, L4L 9E7
(416) 798-7070


Open Hours

Monday – Friday: 9:00 am – 9:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday: 10:00 am – 3:00 pm

